Modern adventurers enjoy unrivaled options when it comes to enjoying outdoor sports. Hiking, biking, surfing, kayaking, rafting, paragliding, skydiving, skiing, snowboarding. There’s no end to the fun that can be had outdoors, and many times, we can enjoy two or more different adventures on any given day.
The problem comes when it comes time to transport the gear needed for those sports. Today’s smaller vehicles combined with a plethora of sports put cargo space at a premium. Fortunately, there are worthy ways to expand your cargo space, even with the smallest economy cars.
Yakima SkyBox 16 Carbonite
The Yakima SkyBox16 Carbonite mounts onto any factory-installed roof rack, as well as all after-market rack systems. And because it’s just 81 inches long the SkyBox 16 fits smaller cars and SUVs perfectly. We tested it on a Subaru CrossTrek and found it fit perfectly, yet it was also an ideal add-on to my Toyota 4Runner.
The SkyBox lid also can be swung open from either side – a nice touch since the box is just wide enough that reach across its interior is a stretch for some people (especially those under 6 feet tall). The box attaches quickly and easily to any rack. A set of four cam-locks inside the box active clamps. Just open the cams to loosen the clamps, slide the clamps over the roof rack’s crossbar, then lever the cam closed to tighten the clamp around the bar. This holds the box securely to the roof but also allows it to be removed in mere minutes. $559. Buy Now
Wells Cargo MPT 461 Cargo Trailer

When you’re looking at long road-trips that include multiple sports activities, or even short hauls with bulky gear (like rafts with rowing frames), a trailer can be a godsend. And the Wells Cargo MPT 461 is perfect suited to adventures with small to mid-sized vehicles who don’t need to haul more than a few hundred pounds.
The all-aluminum trailer is rated to haul up to 1,100 pounds, and the 4-foot by 6-foot cargo box will swallow plenty of gear. We’ve used it for a two-week road trip that included camping gear for two people and two dogs, as well as a couple of inflatable SUPs and a 13-foot raft (deflated) with a fishing frame, mounted to the trailer roof using add-on Yakima crossbars. The trailer’s full-sized 15-inch wheels keep the trailer rolling smoothly and tracking straight and true behind the tow rig. The short height (just 4 feet) makes it ideal for towing behind small cars. We pulled our sample more than12,000 miles, over Interstate highways and washboarded-gravel roads, with no trouble at all. $3,000. Buy now